Friday, April 18, 2014

Nepal on its way to access results-based payments for REDD+

6:12 AM

Nepal made new headway in the REDD+ readiness process with the approval of its Emission Reductions Project Idea Note (ER-PIN) at the Carbon Fund’s Ninth Meeting (CF9) organized by the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility under the World Bank in April 2014 in Brussels, Belgium.

This opens new horizons in REDD+ readiness for Nepal with the potential to bring additional resources of up to USD 70 million for the Terai Arc Landscape (TAL) through the Government of Nepal. This is based on the resolution made at CF9 to negotiate a Letter of Intent with Nepal for an estimated volume of up to 14 million tonnes of emission reductions (CO2 equivalent) over a five-year period from 2015 to 2020, according to a statement issued by WWF Nepal

The World Bank, in collaboration with donor countries, is piloting the results-based payment system through the Carbon Fund to assist developing countries in their efforts to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and foster conservation, sustainable management of forests, and enhancement of forest carbon stocks (activities commonly referred to as REDD+) by providing value to standing forests.

Nepal’s ER-PIN covers the 12 districts of TAL, one of the Global 200 eco-regions, and includes over a million hectares of forests that are critical to local livelihoods as well as for biodiversity conservation. The emission reductions target can be achieved by addressing the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation through sustainable management of forests, proper land use planning, providing access to alternate energy, promoting private forestry and providing alternative livelihoods for local communities and indigenous people while ensuring social and environment safeguards. The program will also protect and improve critical tiger habitat and improve community well-being. By generating results-based payments, program will catalyze further development of REDD+ capacity and implementation, while simultaneously advancing the national readiness process.

WWF was a key partner of the government in the entire ER-PIN development process, delivering technical expertise and financial support for the process.

“WWF Nepal strongly believes that together we can achieve so much more,” stated Anil Manandhar, Country Representative of WWF Nepal. “This new development for Nepal will help build new partnerships with the government, local communities, indigenous people, experts, civil society, academia and donors while strengthening existing ones.”



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